Communications dans des congrès
2000 - 2001
- Chollet JP and Brulfert G (2000). Local scale photochemistry in a convective boundary layer. Workshop IPSL: Transport and mixing of passive and reactive scalars in the amospheric boundary layer; CNRS-NSF ; 04/07/2000.
- Colomb A, Jacob V, Kaluzny P, Aymoz G, and Jaffrezo JL (2001) Influence of saharan dust episode on atmospheric pollution in an Alpine Valley during August 2000. MESEAP : environmental pollution and its impact on life in the mediterranean region. October, 6th – 10th, 2001, Limassol, Chypre.
- Marchand N, Besombes JL, Masclet P (2001) Détermination de la matière organique dans l'aérosol atmosphérique : application à l'étude de la pollution atmosphérique dans les vallées alpines. Société Française de Chimie, Journée de Printemps de la Section Rhône Alpes, Le Bourget du Lac, 19 Avril 2001.
- Marchand N, Besombes JL, Masclet P, Jaffrezo JL (2001) Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) in French Alpine valleys. 2nd European meeting on Environmental Chemistry. Dijon, 10-12 Décembre 2001.
- Brulfert G, Kerbiriou MA and Chollet JP (2001). Photochemistry in a convective layer and atmosphere dynamics in narrow valley. Workshop ERCOFTAC: Flow over complex terrain; Ecole Centrale de Lyon ; 24/9-25/9 2001.
- Colomb A, Jacob V and Jaffrezo JL (2002) Diurnal variations of VOC compounds in Alpine valley in France: Chamonix and Maurienne. 7th IGAC conference, Heraklion, Greece, 18-25 Sept 2002.
- Marchand N, Masclet P, Besombes, JL, Jaffrezo JL, and Cachier H (2002) Particulate Organic Matter and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Alpines and Mediterranean atmospheres. 7th IGAC conference, Heraklion, Greece, 18-25 Sept 2002.
- Brulfert G and Chollet JP (2002) Simulation of photochemistry in a convective boundary layer and atmosphere in valleys. EUROTRAC-2 Symposium; Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Allemagne). 11/ 3-15/3 2002.
- Kerbiriou, G. Brulfert and C. Staquet Atmospheric dynamics in narrow valleys.. Advances in Turbulence IX, p 882. Edited by: I.P. CASTRO, P.E. Hancock and T.G. Thomas. Proceedings of the Ninth European Turbulence Conference. May 2002.
- Chollet JP and Brulfert G (2002). Photochemistry in a convective layer and in valleys. 11th International Conference ‘Transport and Air Pollution’ 19/6-21/6 2002, Gratz (Autriche). p 309-314. ISBN 3-901351-59-0
- Brulfert G, Chemel C and Chollet.JP (2002) Modélisation du transport et de l’évolution de polluants dans la vallée de Chamonix. Atelier de Modélisation de l’Atmosphère 2002, p 167-170. Edité par le Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques.
- Lahoutifard N and George C (2002) Modeling of tropospheric multiphase chemistry of NO2 reaction with organic compounds. “A Changing Atmosphere, 8th European 8th European Symposium on the Physico-Chemical Behaviour of Air Pollutants”, 17-20 septembre, Turin, Italie.
- Brulfert G and Chollet JP (2002) Simulation of photochemistry in a convective boundary layer and atmosphere in valleys. Poster for EUROTRAC-2 Symposium; Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Germany); 11/ 3-15/3 2002.
- Brulfert G, Chemel C, Chollet JP (2003) Numerical simulation of air quality in Chamonix valley, impact of road traffic.16/6-18/6 2003, Avignon. Actes INRETS n°92- vol 2, pp 39-44.ISSN 769-0266, ISBN 2-85782-588-9.12th International Scientific Symposium Transport and Air Pollution (INRETS, TUG,NCAR). Best poster award.
- Brulfert G, Chollet JP, Chemel C and Kerbiriou MA (2003) Numerical simulation of photochemical episodes in alpine valleys. 26th NATO/CCMS International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application. 26/5-30/5 2003, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Jaffrezo JL and Chapuis D (2003) Program POVA (Pollution des Vallées Alpines) : general presentation. European Aerosol Conference 2003. 31 August-5 Sept, 2003, Madrid, Spain.
- Aymoz G, Jaffrezo JL, Cozic J, Maenhaut W and Chapuis D (2003) Yearly chemical profiles of aerosol in 2 Alpine valleys. Ibid.
- Aymoz G and Jaffrezo JL (2003). Program POVA (Pollution des Vallées Alpines) : intensive field measurements. Ibid.
- Aymoz G and Jaffrezo JL (2003). Aerosol chemistry during a Saharan dust episode in an Alpine valley. Ibid.
- Marchand N, Besombes JL, Chevron N, Masclet P, Aymoz G, and Jaffrezo JL (2003) Seasonal variations of particulate organic matter composition: the cases of two alpine valleys. Ibid.
- Greenwald R, Bergin MH, and Jaffrezo JL (2003) Real-time measurement of water insoluble aerosol in the Chamonix and Maurienne Valleys of Alpine France. Ibid.
- Jacob V, Deveaux PA, and Jaffrezo JL (2003) New methodology for the determination of functional groups and chemical bond information for atmospheric particles. Ibid
- Perraud V., Combet E., Suptil J., Besombes J.L., Paturel L. (2003). Solid Phase MicroExtraction - an alternative method for AIR sampling and analysis of PAHs in particulate and gaseous phases. 19th International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, September 21-25, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Wortham H., Goriaux M., Jourdain B. and Besombes JL. (2003). PAH measurement during POVA campaign (winter 2003): Gas-particle partitioning and intercalibration. Ibid
- Jaffrezo JL and Chapuis D (2003) Program POVA (Pollution des Vallées Alpines) : general presentation. 22nd Annual AAAR conference, 20-24/10/03, Anaheim, CA, USA.
- Aymoz G, Jaffrezo JL, Cozic J, Maenhaut W and Chapuis D (2003) Yearly chemical profiles of aerosol in 2 Alpine valleys. Ibid.
- Aymoz G and Jaffrezo JL (2003). Program POVA (Pollution des Vallées Alpines) : intensive field measurements. Ibid.
- Aymoz G and Jaffrezo JL (2003). Aerosol chemistry during a Saharan dust episode in an Alpine valley. Ibid.
- Jacob V, Deveau PA, Jaffrezo JL and Aymoz G (2003) New methodology for the determination of functional groups and chemical bond information of atmospheric particles. Ibid.
- Marchand N, Besombes JL, Masclet P, Aymoz G, and Jaffrezo JL (2003) Seasonal variations of particulate organic matter composition. Ibid.
- Besombes JL, Marchand N, Masclet P and Jaffrezo JL (2003) Particulate PAH in the Chamonix Valley during and after the closing of the Mont Blanc Tunnel. 19th International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, Sept 21-25, 2003, Amsterdam.
- Perraud V, Combet E, Suptil J, Besombes JL and Paturel L (2003). Solid Phase MicroExtraction - an alternative method for AIR sampling and analysis of PAHs in particulate and gaseous phases. Ibid
- Goriaux M, Jourdain B, Wortham H, Besombes JL (2003) PAH measurement during POVA campaign (winter 2003): gas-particle partitioning and intercalibration. Ibid.
- Brulfert G, Chaxel E, Chemel C and Chollet JP (2003) Numerical simulation of air quality in Chamonix valley, use of different chemistry indicators. Assessment and policy at local, regional and global scales. pp 661-667. ISBN 953-6609-03-7. 14th IUAPPA International Conference Air quality –. Dubrovnik, Croatia, 6/10-10/10 2003.
- Marchand N, Besombes JL, Chevron N, Masclet P and Jaffrezo JL (2003) Atmospheric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in two French alpine valleys. Ibid.
- Brulfert, J.P. Chollet, C. Chemel and E. Chaxel (2004) Modélisation de la pollution atmosphérique dans les vallées alpines. 2ème Journée Interdisciplinaire sur la Qualité de l’Air. 29/01/2004, Villeneuve d’Ascq.
- Aymoz G, Jaffrezo JL, Jacob V, Colomb A, and George Ch (2004) Evolution of organic and inorganic components of aerosol during a Saharan dust episode observed in the French Alps. EGU, Nice (France), 25-30/04/04.
- Chollet JP, Brulfert G, Chemel C and Chaxel E (2004) Modelling photochemistry in alpine valleys. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol 6, 06355, 2004. Ibid
- Deveau PA, Jacob V, and Jaffrezo JL and Aymoz G (2004) New methodology for the determination of functional groups and chemical bond information of atmospheric particles. Atelier Expérimentation et Instrumentation. Paris, 23-24/04/04.
- Jaffrezo JL (2004) Avancement général du programme POVA. Symposium PRIMEQUAL 2. 10-11/06/04, Reims, France (Oral, invité)
- Chaxel E, Brulfert G, Chemel C, and Chollet JP (2004) Simulation of air quality in Chamonix valley (France): impact of the road traffic of the tunnel on ozone production. 9th international conference Harmonisation within Atmospheric dispertion modeling for regulatory purposes. 1-4/06/2004 Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, proceedings volume 2, pp 235-239, Editor Peter Suppan. ISBN: 3-923704-45-3.
- Chemel C, J.P. Chollet, G. Brulfert and E. Chaxel: Evolution of convective boundary layer in deep valley for air quality modeling. 11th Conference on Mountain Meteorology and the Annual Mesoscale Alpine Programm (MAP). 21-25/06/2004. Mount Washington Valley, NH. Paper is available on:
- Chemel C, J.P. Chollet, E. Chaxel, G. Brulfert. Numerical simulation of atmosphere in alpine valleys, scalar transport and mixing. 10th Euromech European Turbulence Conference, 29 June- 2 July 2004. Trondheim, Norway. ISBN 84-95999-55-2.
- Chemel C, J.P. Chollet, G. Brulfert and E. Chaxel. Evolution of the daytime atmospheric boundary layer structure in a deep Alpine valley. 16th Symposium on boundary layers and turbulence. 9-13/08/2004. Portland, ME. [Available on the Amer.~Meteor.~Soc. website]
- Brulfert, J.P. Chollet, C. Chemel and E. Chaxel: High resolution air modelling in a deep valley: analyse of chemical indicators for management of road traffic. 13th World Clean Air and Environmental Protection Congress Exhibition. 22-17/08/2004, Londres. Full paper 223.
- Albinet A, Leoz-Gardancia E, Besombes JL, Budzinski, Villenave E, and Jaffrezo JL (2004) Spatial concentrations and seasonal variations of gaseous and particulate PAH: cases of the Chamonix and Maurienne valleys. 9° FECS Conference and 2nd SFC meeting "Chemistry and the Environment ", Bordeaux, 29/08-01/09, 2004.
- Deveau P-A, Jacob V, and Jaffrezo JL (2004) Determination of aerosol organic functional group by FTIR spectroscopy coupled with ATR module, and field application. Ibid
- Rouvière A, G Brulfert C. Chemel, V. Jacob, P. Baussand and J.P. Chollet. Volatile organic compounds in the atmosphere of deep narrow alpine valleys: measurement and numerical modelling. Ibid
- Chemel, C., G. Brulfert, E. Chaxel and J.-P. Chollet (2004) High-resolution numerical simulations in alpine valleys for air quality modelling. In Proc. of the 4th Annual Meeting of the European Meteorological Society, Nice, France. Abstract 00431.
- Goriaux M., Jourdain B. and Wortham H PAH sampling with denuder tube: artefact due to reactivity.., 1st European Workshop on Chemical and biological approches in Environment. Hyères (France), 6-10 Septembre 2004.
- Jaffrezo JL and Chapuis D (2004) Program POVA (Pollution des Vallées Alpines): general presentation and highlights. European Aerosol Conference 2004, 06-10/09/04, Budapest, Hungaria.
- Aymoz G, Jaffrezo JL, and Chapuis D (2004) Seasonal variations of aerosol chemical composition in two Alpine valleys. Ibid. (Oral)
- Aymoz G and Jaffrezo JL (2004). Evolution of EC / OC fractions in the aerosol of Alpine Valleys with short time resolution. Ibid.
- Albinet A, Besombes JL, Budzinski H, Villenave E, Jaffrezo JL, and Leoz-Gardanzia E (2004) Seasonal variation of PAH particle size distribution and gas/particle partitioning in two Alpine valleys. Ibid.
- Marchand N, Tisserand C, Aymoz G, Jaffrezo JL, and Besombes JL (2004) Temporal trends of wood burning particulate indicators in relation with PAH, OC, and EC in deep Alpine Valleys. Ibid.
- Aymoz G, Jaffrezo JL, and Chapuis D (2004) Seasonal variations of EC and OC concentrations in two Alpine Valleys. 8th Intern. Conf. on Carbonaceous Particles in the Atmosphere. 14-16/09 2004, Vienna, Austria.
- Aymoz G and Jaffrezo JL (2004) Evolution of EC / OC fractions in the aerosol of Alpine Valleys measured with short time resolution. Ibid. (Oral)
- Aymoz G and Jaffrezo JL (2004) EC/OC sampling with 3 different methods during field campaigns in the Alps. Ibid.
- Aymoz G, Jaffrezo JL, and Delaval C (2004) Seasonal variation of soluble OC fraction in the aerosol of two French Alpine Valleys. Ibid.
- Jaffrezo JL and Chapuis D (2004) Program POVA (Pollution des Vallées Alpines): general presentation and some highlights. AAAR 2004, 04-08/10/04, Atlanta, GA, USA.
- Aymoz G, Jaffrezo JL, and Chapuis D (2004) Seasonal variations of EC and OC concentrations in two Alpine valleys. Ibid.
- Aymoz G and Jaffrezo JL (2004) Evolution of EC / OC fractions in the aerosol of Alpine Valleys with short time resolution. Ibid.
- Chemel, J.P Chollet, E. Chaxel, G. Brulfert (2004) Dynamique de l’atmosphère et qualité de l’air dans deux vallées alpines, validation et analyse des performances de la simulation numérique. Atelier de Modélisation de l’Atmosphère, 180-183. 29-30/10/2004. Edited by the French National Centre of Meteorological Recherch.
- Chemel, J.P Chollet, E. Chaxel, G. Brulfert (2004) Dynamique de l’atmosphère et qualité de l’air dans deux vallées alpines, validation et analyse des performances de la simulation numérique. Ibid
- Chaxel, E., J.-P. Chollet, C. Chemel and O. Couach (2004) Validation en temps réel d'une chaîne multiéchelles de modèles eulériens pour la prévision de la météorologie et de la pollution photochimique dans les vallées alpines. Ibid
- Chaxel E, G. Brulfert, C. Chemel and J.P. Chollet. Evaluation of local ozone production of Chamonix valley (France) during a regional smog episode. 27th NATO/CCMS International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application. 25-29/10/2004, Banff, Canada. Available on:
- Jaffrezo JL (2005) POVA : présentation générale. Meeting ESCOMPTE. Marseille, 03-05/02/05.
- Chazette P, Couvert P, Bonsang B, Sanak J, Moral P and Jaffrezo JL (2005) Synergy between airborne and ground base measurements in the frame of POVA program.. Ibid
- Aymoz G, Jaffrezo JL, and Chapuis D (2005) Seasonal variations of EC and OC concentrations in two alpine valleys during POVA. Ibid.
- Besombes JL., Marchand N., Masclet P., (2005). Study of the particulate matter (POM) in the alpine valleys. 6th ESCOMPTE workshop, February 2-4, Marseille, France.
- Besombes JL., Marchand N., Masclet P., Albinet A., Leoz-Garziandia E (2005). Concentrations and seasonal variations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in alpine valleys. Ibid
- Brulfert, G., Chemel, C., Chaxel, E. and Chollet, J.P. (2005) Modelling photochemistry in alpine valleys. Ibid.
- Brulfert, G., Chollet, J.P., Jouve, B., Villard, H. (2005) Atmospheric emission inventory of the Maurienne valley for an atmospheric numerical model. Ibid.
- Chemel and J.-P. Chollet (2005) Transport vertical et mélange de polluants en vallées alpines : observations et simulations. In Actes du XVIIe Congrès Français de Mécanique, Troyes, France.
- Chaxel, E., C. Chemel, J.-P. Chollet, C. Quiniou and O. Couach 2005: A comparative study for the ability of different mesoscale models to forecast photochemical pollution events in the Grenoble area. In Proc. of the 14th International Scientific Symposium Transport and Air Pollution (INRETS, TUG, NCAR), Graz, Austria.
- Chemel, C., E. Chaxel, O. Couach and J.-P. Chollet, 2005: Influence of the interactions of local dynamical processes with large-scale flow on air quality in the Grenoble area. In Proc. of the 28th International Conference on Alpine Meteorology, Zadar, Croatia.
- Chaxel, E., J.-P. Chollet, C. Chemel and C. Quiniou (2005) Influence of regionally produced ozone on the photochemistry of the Grenoble valley during the heat wave of 2003. In Proc. of the 2nd General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria. Abstract 06644.
- Chemel, C. and J.-P. Chollet (2005) Evolution of the daytime atmospheric boundary layer in deep alpine valleys. In Proc. of the 2nd General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria. Abstract 09704.
- Chemel, C., C. Staquet and J.-P. Chollet, 2005: Numerical investigations of mixing efficiency in mountainous terrain. In Proc. of the 2nd General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria. Abstract 09670.
- Goriaux M., Jourdain B. and Wortham H (2005) Atmospheric PAH survey: analysis of the differences observed in the field between two different samplers (conventional filter and denuder/filter device). 2d European Workshop on Chemical and biological approches in Environment. Poznan (Pologne), 29 août-01 Septembre 2005.
- Jaffrezo JL, Aymoz G, Delaval C, and Cozic J (2005) Seasonal evolution of the soluble fraction of particulate organic carbon in Alpine Valleys. European Aerosol Conference 2005, 28 August – 02 September 05, Ghent, Belgium.
- Jaffrezo JL, Aymoz G, and Cozic J (2005) Size distribution of EC and OC in Alpine valleys during summer and winter.Ibid.
- Aymoz G, Cozic J, and Jaffrezo JL (2005) Etude des sources de pollution par les particules dans les vallées de Chamonix et de la Maurienne. Congrès annuel de l’APPA, Grenoble, Juin 05.
- Cozic J, Aymoz G, and Jaffrezo JL (2005) Etude des propritétés physico-chimiques de la matière carbonée (EC et OC) contenue dans l’aérosol atmosphérique dans la cadre du programme POVA Ibid.
- Brulfert, C. Chemel, E. Chaxel, J.P. Chollet (2005) Indicateurs photochimiques dans les vallées alpines. Ibid
- Brulfert, J.P. Chollet, B. Jouve, H. Villard (2005) Inventaires des émissions dans les vallées alpines : méthodologie et scénarios d’émissions. Ibid
- Chemel, C., E. Chaxel, G. Brulfert and J.-P. Chollet (2005) Impacts du transport vertical et du mélange sur la qualité de l'air dans les vallées alpines. Ibid
- Jaffrezo JL (2005) Chemistry of PM10 in Alpine valleys during the POVA program. Workshop “Chemistry, transport, and impacts of atmospheric pollutants with focus on fine particles”. Workshop Kloster Andechs. 11-12/10/05, Munich, Germany. Invited conference. Available at
